โดย fanta1973 » พฤหัสฯ. เม.ย. 26, 2007 12:51 am
Hi P' แม่สะเรียง, Khun Sweetcapucino, khun [B]sunisa, Kru k.sakol and khun poussin Sorry that I have to type in English, somehow my computer doesn't let me change to the Thai font....
So thank you everyone for stoping by and supporting me ....I sitll focus fruit carving right now and will try to paint and decorate the cake next...(when I feel comfortable with my carving, I will move on to the other thing....so let's see if I can wait that long...ha..ha....)
Once again thanks ever so much.... P.S..... Another watermelon carving is coming soon may be tonight!!!! Please stop by again..okay?